My first try at blogging.
First Words
Published on September 16, 2004 By brandoncwk In Welcome
Hello.... this is my first try at blogging. I will try to update this page as soon as i have anything better to say.

I'm from Malaysia and the current hot news here in Malaysia if you're really interested to know is about the release of Anwar Ibrahim. How can someone be acquitted of sodomy and still be have his corruption charges upheld? He was charged for bribing officials to cover-up the mess concerning his alleged sodomy. I read somewhere that the panel of judges still believe he sodomised his driver and step-brother among others, but they said the prosecution could not prove that the sodomy took place at the time and place he was originally charged for. What???? BS lar. For alternative news about malaysia check out, which is an independent not goverment controlled website. This website will give you honest opinions on the going ons in Malaysia.

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